Our Services

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Making Tax Digital

The new MTD rules come into effect on 6th April 2026, when most sole traders and landlords will also be required to register for MTD and send a quarterly return to HMRC that reports the turnover and expenditure for each quarter.

It sounds a long way off, but there are only two tax years left before finding and then mastering the use of approved accounting software, or face a steep rise in accountancy fees for submitting four returns for your business, instead of one annual return currently.

Oblako provides a low-cost MTD ready accounting solution, which combines  accounting software with Power Automate and A.I. to optimise business processes and economise.

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HMRC action and dealing with a compliance investigation can be a daunting experience for any taxpayer. Understanding the legislation that is the cause of any action, is crucial to resolve or challenge the issue.

This website provides the information that is hard to find elsewhere. As a good starting point, take a look at the articles on the Guides page.

If you decide that you need tailored assistance in order to respond to an HMRC letter, or to put an appeal together, we can do that. Contact us and we will be in touch to arrange a free consultation.

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Sometimes an accountant will have clients that have a prior IR35 or MSC risk, but they don't always have the expertise to be able to manage the enquiry if HMRC contacts them.

We collaborate with accountants and other advisors, to provide the required support and expertise throughout an HMRC investigation.


Useful Information

HMRC Internal Manual on MSC Legislation

Access the check employment status for tax online tool CEST

HMRC Internal Manual definition of an MSC Provider 

Understanding the Off-Payroll Working Rules (IR35)

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